My work has always been informed by storytelling, a love for traditional handcrafts and craftsmanship, human beliefs, emotions, and rituals.

I was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia, in a household full of women who together with my Latin-American roots have been a constant source of inspiration for my work.

The colours, the textures, the patterns and the stories of my upbringing constantly inform my designs.

I have a great passion for textiles, art, fashion, interior design and traditional crafts.

I love discovering small details in things, I believe in the beauty of hand-made objects; in objects with fingerprint and in the importance of authorship.

I think beautiful objects have the power to transform our everyday activities into special occasions.

Travelling in real life, through books or imagination, and discovering the aesthetics and rituals of new cultures fascinates me and inspires me.

After spending four years in London, I now live and work in Geneva, Switzerland, please contact me if you have any questions or enquiries, I would love to hear from you.